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   No, actually VUP goes beyond Reiki, and Reiki is just a component of VUP. Reiki focuses on the way to contact, interact with and bring down the universal life force, chi, ki, or prana, while beginning the clearing and shifting of the energy. But that’s where Reiki seems to end. VUP then builds on this access of the vital life force energy and flows it into your central hubs where your mind/body/spirit meet, and where each of the major endocrine glands reside, and where the major gatherings of neuroreceptors gather, to have WAY more of a robust clearinghouse and ultimate effect on shifting your system out of the old “problem” while activating your system for your highest potential. This is innately wired into each of the chakras and everyone’s systems, and that’s what VUP is focused on - activating that! Not only is this flow of the chi, or prana, used in a specific, targeted way shown to create the most benefits, but another main component of VUP is that it clears out the unconscious and subconscious blocks in you to free up more consciousness. So one of the first results folks notice is an increase in vitality. Then it’s an increase in well-being.  Yet where VUP goes now WAY beyond any other energy medicine or behavioral change modality, whether that be psychoanalysis or cognitive behavioral therapy or personal training, is that it also activates the new consciousness, locking the positive or opposite of the belief/experience/ karma behind the block into your conscious mind. Then add in the mindfulness coaching component of VUP, which is done so that your behavior changes immediately - this design creates you getting lasting results.



    Knowing what types of blocks to the chakra system, is the KEY to the functionality of VUP system. By understanding what domain of life is covered by which chakra, and its relevance to whatever physical, emotional, mental, consciousness, or life issue (ie money, biz development) we are then able to - using the VUP system -the proven system with decades of tangible results combining all into an effective program that actually shifts people out of the old and into the new!

Further, because Vibrational UPgrade™ System recognizes which chakra is related to which life challenges, and its coupled with a background in yoga and meditation, it is able to translate this in-depth understanding of the chakra column into what is ultimately your dharma. Most people see their life challenge or life lesson as something they need to push against, go to battle with, fight or even overcome - as the kindest approach - but VUP recognizes that you can thrive within your life challenge and that in fact your gifts are there poking through “on the other side of” this seeming challenge. VUP works to clear out the parts of the challenge that are blocking you from moving forward, while activating the inherent and latent talents there that are always contained within these major, life-long issues. Or lighter issues, at that. VUP does this through a combined system of flowing chi to the relevant chakras related to what area of life you’re blocked in, while activating your consciousness to move you beyond this old block, into the positive of this aspect or challenge. VUP delivers this targeted energy medicine while also engaging in mindfulness, intuitive coaching to guide a person into actual behavioral change. There is a Sanskrit word, taken from VUP’s founder, Dr. Alison J. Kay’s studies in yoga, meditation and mindfulness for over 28 years including 10 years spent living in Asia studying all these subtle energies and holistic health & wellness, termed samskara. Samskara means a point of difficulty that the soul has incarnated to learn through and evolve beyond. Everyone has approximately 2 or 3 of these. And it is considered our dharma here on planet earth to learn how to and actually move beyond having this as a “sticking point.” It’s that kind of permeating, under-the-surface influence that no matter where you move to, who you marry, what new job or career you take on, that you cannot hide from. Because everywhere you go - there you are. Where most other chakra teachers stop.



    Yes. These are the real results we speak of in VUP. Example: If a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and because the breasts involve the heart chakra, and the some of the heart chakra’s aspects are self-care and self-nurtrance, whereas without these aspects of the chakra being something the client engages in, this indicates a block at the unconscious or subconscious level. When a chakra is blocked, it’s not able to do its intended job, of turning out in that area of the body, mind and spirit that all intersect at each of the chakras, the fresh vital life force energy. So the chakra being blocked, has the surrounding tissue, organs when relevant, major endocrine gland associated with that chakra, and the corresponding aspects of the spirit and mind, also not receiving this life force energy. So the area of the body and life - spirit and mind, or consciousness - are deadened. If the blocks that reside at the unconscious and subconscious level for this female client with the breast cancer are cleared out, and the positive aspects inherent within that chakra are then activated, and the fresh vital life force is able to churn out its source of life to the surrounding tissue, over time, this would result in enough subtle energy accumulated in the direction of the desired outcome, that the physical eventually shifts. A main tenant of VUP is that all matter follows first energy. Or energy is the grandparent of all matter. So whereas this woman may have been lacking self-care, and used to putting others before herself due to those unconscious and subconscious blocks (i.e. imprint from her mother to take care of everyone else first, i.e. societal conditioning that women/mothers are meant to self-sacrifice and that’s just the way it is, or i.e., was ignored by her father growing up and felt rejected so she perceived she was unworthy, so then that leads to not feeling worthy of spending time or money on one’s self, others’ needs and time are more important). Bottom line in this example is that she’s had a lifetime of dismissing herself, her value, and thus her genuine feelings. VUP identifies the life issue (dharma), clears and activates the gift within it, and lasting behavior change and body healing takes place. Here, activating her to listen to her intuition so that her own guidance is actually working in her favor and leading her into more self-nurturing choices and more self-caring behaviors would likely be the 2 positive aspects, or gifts. Other modalities may shift the energy and bring about some healing but will not root in the new behavior so that there is permanent lasting change. If a woman were to look into radiation or chemo, neither of those have very high rates of fending off reoccurrences, unless there are behavioral changes in the emotional tone and thus biochemistry of the woman’s system that created the fertile land for the illness to grow in the first place. VUP gets to this exact shift in the biochemistry, due to its holistic approach of working with the mind, body and spirit while applying proven behavioral change methods.



   This VUP system unlocks the family of entangled unconscious and subconscious beliefs that end up jumbled together like a messy ball. Of yarn to form a major block, or samskara, so your system’s life force can adjust back into its natural, healthy flow, and activated to the increasingly flow more in the direction of, and increasingly towards the target of, the new desired behavior. While you may have been under the impression that Reiki involves working with the chakras, traditional Usui Reiki training has nothing about the understanding of the chakras and the issues connected to each of the chakras so there was no systematic way..i had to learn to see the patterns to each of them thru practice & some initial training, to understand which chakra to go at to get a desire result in a person’s life. It’s a roadmap to thriving…and learning how to, instead of living problem-centric, truly embody living possibilities-centric.

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